Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Broken Smile

I`m so happy that this few weeks i already revised physics, add maths n maths .But , there are many subjects still waiting for me to study..It`s about 8 subjects. Most of the subjects need to memorize the facts .It`s really bored . Chemistry , it`s ok for me. It is only a few to memorize and needed to understand it . Biology? Sejarah ? It`s going to make me crazy !! But, to get good result, i have to finish whole form 4 chapters before the exam . I wondering why the education system in my country is so lousy , why cant just let us study the important subjects but needed to study such a lame subject like sejarah. Sejarah and moral , they cant help us when we want to get into uni either working . It`s getting bored to memorize lame subjects !!!!!!!